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3651 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Ipa Terpadu Pada Materi Energi Untuk Siswa Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo pdf 142
3652 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Perubahan Tutupan Lahan dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pola Persebaran Suhu di Kota Gorontalo pdf 335
3653 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Study of mercury concentration in plants in Traditional Buladu Gold Mining pdf 107
3654 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : The Analysis Of Mercury (Hg) Pollution In Water, Sediments, And Shrimp At Bendung Lambunu River Due To Conventional Gold Mining Activities In Parigi Moutong pdf 122
3655 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : The Analysis of Slinding Surface in Alo Watershed, Gorontalo District Indonesia pdf 128
3656 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : The content of mercury in sediments around Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Bumela district, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 248
3657 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Artisanal and small-scale gold mining activities and mercury exposure in Gorontalo Utara Regency, Indonesia pdf 90
3658 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Characteristic of water quality in upstream of Bolango River basin in Gorontalo Province pdf 136
3659 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Evaluation of Mercury Concentration in Water and Sediment at Artisanal Buladu Gold Mine in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 107
3660 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Land Suitability Analysis for Settlement Areas in Tilamuta District, Boalemo Regency pdf 184
3661 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Spatial Dynamic Analysis of Changes in Land Use Applying Markov Chain and Cellular Automata pdf 196
3662 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Study of mercury concentration in plants in Traditional Buladu Gold Mining pdf 100
3663 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin The Analysis of Slinding Surface in Alo Watershed, Gorontalo District Indonesia pdf 147
3664 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin The content of mercury in sediments around Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Bumela district, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 150
3665 Ellen J Saleh Flesibility Study Pembangunan Pabrik Pakan Ternak Skala Kecil di Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf
3666 Herlina Jusuf Food Consumption Behavior and their Association with Metabolic Syndrome: A cross-Sectional Study of Adult in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf
3667 Hasan S. Panigoro Forecasting COVID-19 Epidemic in Spain and Italy Using A Generalized Richards Model with Quantified Uncertainty pdf 148
3668 Tedy Machmud Forecasting Software Using Laplacian AR Model pdf
3669 Tedy Machmud Forecasting Software Using Laplacian AR Model based on Bootstrap-Reversible Jump MCMC pdf 200
3670 Abdul Wahid Rauf Form Pendaftaran Seminar Nasional Integrated Farming System jpg 939
3671 Chalid Luneto Format Entri Lemlit MP3EI 2012 xls 433
3672 Chalid Luneto Format Entri MP3EI 2012 xls 425
3673 Chalid Luneto Format Entri2012 Kerjasama Antar Lembaga Dan PT Nama PT xls 474
3674 Chalid Luneto Format Isian Hibah Kompetensi xls 531
3675 Chalid Luneto Format Isian Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah 2013 xls 492