No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3651 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Ipa Terpadu Pada Materi Energi Untuk Siswa Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
142 |
3652 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Perubahan Tutupan Lahan dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pola Persebaran Suhu di Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
335 |
3653 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Study of mercury concentration in plants in Traditional Buladu Gold Mining |
pdf |
107 |
3654 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : The Analysis Of Mercury (Hg) Pollution In Water, Sediments, And Shrimp At Bendung Lambunu River Due To Conventional Gold Mining Activities In Parigi Moutong |
pdf |
122 |
3655 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : The Analysis of Slinding Surface in Alo Watershed, Gorontalo District Indonesia |
pdf |
128 |
3656 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : The content of mercury in sediments around Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Bumela district, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
248 |
3657 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Artisanal and small-scale gold mining activities and mercury exposure in Gorontalo Utara Regency, Indonesia |
pdf |
90 |
3658 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Characteristic of water quality in upstream of Bolango River basin in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
136 |
3659 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Evaluation of Mercury Concentration in Water and Sediment at Artisanal Buladu Gold Mine in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
107 |
3660 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Land Suitability Analysis for Settlement Areas in Tilamuta District, Boalemo Regency |
pdf |
184 |
3661 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Spatial Dynamic Analysis of Changes in Land Use Applying Markov Chain and Cellular Automata |
pdf |
196 |
3662 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin Study of mercury concentration in plants in Traditional Buladu Gold Mining |
pdf |
100 |
3663 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin The Analysis of Slinding Surface in Alo Watershed, Gorontalo District Indonesia |
pdf |
147 |
3664 |
Fitryane Lihawa |
Fitryane Lihawa : Turnitin The content of mercury in sediments around Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Bumela district, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
150 |
3665 |
Ellen J Saleh |
Flesibility Study Pembangunan Pabrik Pakan Ternak Skala Kecil di Kabupaten Gorontalo |
pdf |
3666 |
Herlina Jusuf |
Food Consumption Behavior and their Association with Metabolic Syndrome: A cross-Sectional Study of Adult in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
3667 |
Hasan S. Panigoro |
Forecasting COVID-19 Epidemic in Spain and Italy Using A Generalized Richards Model with Quantified Uncertainty |
pdf |
148 |
3668 |
Tedy Machmud |
Forecasting Software Using Laplacian AR Model |
pdf |
3669 |
Tedy Machmud |
Forecasting Software Using Laplacian AR Model based on Bootstrap-Reversible Jump MCMC |
pdf |
200 |
3670 |
Abdul Wahid Rauf |
Form Pendaftaran Seminar Nasional Integrated Farming System |
jpg |
939 |
3671 |
Chalid Luneto |
Format Entri Lemlit MP3EI 2012 |
xls |
433 |
3672 |
Chalid Luneto |
Format Entri MP3EI 2012 |
xls |
425 |
3673 |
Chalid Luneto |
Format Entri2012 Kerjasama Antar Lembaga Dan PT Nama PT |
xls |
474 |
3674 |
Chalid Luneto |
Format Isian Hibah Kompetensi |
xls |
531 |
3675 |
Chalid Luneto |
Format Isian Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah 2013 |
xls |
492 |