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4076 Rama Hiola HUbungan Antara Kebersihan Perorangan dan Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri Dnegan Kejadian Penyakit Kulit Pada Petugas Pengelola Sampah di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Tanjung Kramat pdf 3722
4077 Vivien Novarina A. Kasim HUbungan Obesitas dengan Klasifikasi Hepertensi di Puskesmas Tapa Kecamatan abupatenBone Bolango pdf 514
4078 Sartika Dewi Usman HaKI Video Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Mekanika Teknik pdf 115
4079 Sitti Rachmi Masie HaKI_Sastra Anak Apresiasi, Kajian, dan Pembelajarannya pdf 1501
4080 Salam HaKI_Sistem Informasi Data dan Administrasi Prodi (SIDAPRO) pdf 119
4081 Salam HaKI_Sistem Informasi Kurikulum Program Studi (SIKPRODI) pdf 141
4082 Marini Susanti Hamidun Habitat Pohon Penyusun Utama Kawasan Nantu-Boliyohuto pdf 3983
4083 Marini Susanti Hamidun Habitat, Niche, dan Jasa Lingkungan Penyusun Utama Vegetasi Kawasan Hutan Nantu-Boliyohuto pdf 23800
4084 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Certificate of Plagiarism An Empirical Study on the Implementation of Digital Financial Service in Gorontalo Utara Regency, Province of Gorontalo pdf 215
4085 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Certificate of Plagiarism The Influence of Time Budget Pressure and Dysfunctional Behavior to Audit Quality at Bawasda in Gorontalo Province pdf 241
4086 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Certificate of Plagiarism The Influence of the Dividend Payout Ratio (Dpr) and the Current Ratio (Cr) Against the Growth of Share Prices in the Service Sector Companies the Period 2011 – 215, in Indonesia pdf 430
4087 Hais Dama Hais Dama : HaKI Good Corporate Government pdf 1740
4088 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Jurnal Internasional An Empirical Study on the Implementation of Digital Financial Service in Gorontalo Utara Regency, Province of Gorontalo pdf 392
4089 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Jurnal Internasional The Influence of the Dividend Payout Ratio (Dpr) and the Current Ratio (Cr) Against the Growth of Share Prices in the Service Sector Companies the Period 2011 – 215, in Indonesia pdf 648
4090 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Jurnal Nasional Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Perusahaan pada Perusahaan yang Menerapkan Employee Stock Ownership Program (Esop) dengan Perusahaan yang tidak menerapkan Program Esop pdf 473
4091 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Jurnal Nasional Good Corporate Governance pada Kinerja Perbankan pdf 439
4092 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Jurnal Nasional The Influence of Service Quality To Customer Loyalties At Bank Mandiri Branch Gorontalo. pdf 291
4093 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Jurnal Nasional The Influence of Time Budget Pressure and Dysfunctional Behavior to Audit Quality at Bawasda in Gorontalo Province pdf 528
4094 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer An Empirical Study on the Implementation of Digital Financial Service in Gorontalo Utara Regency, Province of Gorontalo pdf 373
4095 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Perusahaan pada Perusahaan yang Menerapkan Employee Stock Ownership Program (Esop) dengan Perusahaan yang tidak menerapkan Program Esop pdf 439
4096 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer Good Corporate Governance pada Kinerja Perbankan pdf 559
4097 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer Good Corporate Government pdf 1281
4098 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer The Influence of Service Quality To Customer Loyalties At Bank Mandiri Branch Gorontalo pdf 188
4099 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer The Influence of Time Budget Pressure and Dysfunctional Behavior to Audit Quality at Bawasda in Gorontalo Province pdf 436
4100 Hais Dama Hais Dama : Pee Reviewer The Influence of the Dividend Payout Ratio (Dpr) and the Current Ratio (Cr) Against the Growth of Share Prices in the Service Sector Companies the Period 2011 – 215, in Indonesia pdf 403