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7801 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Mapping of Leadership Species Protection for the Sustainable Economic Growth of Local Communities pdf 148
7802 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Pelayanan Kesehatan Melalui Program Keluarga Berencana Berbasis Sistim Informasi Manajemen di desa Alo Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 170
7803 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Empati dan Motivasi Terhadap Budaya Organisasi (Studi Kasus Terhadap Kepala Sekolah Dasar Kota Gorontalo) pdf 168
7804 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Pengaruh Pengetahuan Manajemen Dan Kecerdasan Emosi Terhadap Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas Se Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 182
7805 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Pengelolaan Pendidikan Karakter Siswa pdf 184
7806 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Quality of Services Personnel Management in Developing Cultural Education School pdf 130
7807 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Relationship of Personal Competence and Managerial Competency of Business Organizers with the Quality of School Administration Services in Man Gorontalo Graduates pdf 149
7808 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK Strategi Manajemen Kepemimpinan dalam Budaya Pemanfaatan Jagung untuk Memperkaya Sumberdaya Genetik Pangan Masyarakat di Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 122
7809 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK The Competence of Administrative Employees in Archive Management at Vocational High School (SMK) in Gorontalo Regency pdf 125
7810 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK The Influence of Independence and Advantage Competitiveness on the Emotional Intelligence of High Schools Principals’ Leadership in Gorontalo Province pdf 188
7811 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK The School Principals' Strategies for Effective School Development in Primary Schools in Bulango Timur, Gorontalo pdf 86
7812 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management pdf 165
7813 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Karir pdf 14674
7814 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Effect of Emotical Intelligence and Competitivi Advantages of Leadership Effectiveness of Principal Advance Level of The Whole Province Gorontalo pdf 273
7815 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Entrepreneurial Intelligence Management pdf 183
7816 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Guru dan Tantangan Peradaban Bangsa menuju Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN pdf 1689
7817 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : HKI Buku Kepemimpinan dan Perilaku Organisasi (SQB & Novianty Djafri) pdf 16478
7818 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : HKI Buku Manajemen Kecerdasan Emosi untuk Kepala Sekolah pdf 196
7819 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : International Journal Mapping of Leadership Species Protection for the Sustainable Economic Growth of Local Communities pdf 348
7820 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : International Journal The Administrative Management Capacity of Village Chief. European Journals of Business Management pdf 200
7821 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : International Journal The Influence of Independence and Advantage Competitiveness on the Emotional Intelligence of High Schools Principals’ Leadership in Gorontalo Province pdf 279
7822 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Jurnal Internasional Relationship of Personal Competence and Managerial Competency of Business Organizers with the Quality of School Administration Services in Man Gorontalo Graduates pdf 584
7823 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Jurnal Internasional The Strategy of Independent Entrepreneurship Management pdf 804
7824 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Koresponden Leadership Management Of Village Heads Based On Soft Skill Development Of Coastal Communities In Indonesia pdf 97
7825 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : Manajemen Kepemimpinan dalam Mengelola Budaya Pelestarian Keanekaragaman Hayati di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 222