
Halaman 393 dari 668
Jumlah Total Unduh : 31463092
Total Koleksi Digital : 16689
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9801 Isnawati Mohamad Peer Review Engineering Design of Traditional Gorontalo Motif for Learning Karawo Embroidery pdf 118
9802 Marike Mahmud Peer Review Evaluasi Karakteristik Kualitas Air Danau Limboto pdf 95
9803 Marike Mahmud Peer Review Evaluasi Konsentrasi Merkuri di Rambut Kepala di Penambangan Emas Tradisional Bumela Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 112
9804 Marike Mahmud Peer Review Evaluasi Kualitas Air Dan Sanitasi Lingkungan Masyarakat Kayu Murni Kabupaten Bualemo pdf 105
9805 Marike Mahmud Peer Review Evaluasi Kualitas Udara di Hulu Ekosistem DAS Bolango pdf 102
9806 Tineke Wolok Peer Review Factors Determining the Effectiveness of Sharia Bank Marketing Management During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Gorontalo Province pdf 113
9807 Trifandi Lasalewo Peer Review Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keunggulan Bersaing Industri di Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 153
9808 Kalih Trumansyahjaya Peer Review Filsafat Air Pada Langga Sebagai Arsitektur Gorontalo pdf 148
9809 Yuszda K. Salimi Peer Review Formulasi Minuman Fungsional dari Daun Kelor pdf 85
9810 Jusdin Puluhulawa Peer Review Free Education for Gorontalo People-Indonesia pdf 395
9811 Ayuddin Peer Review GFRP Material as External Reinforcement for RC Column Bridge pdf 194
9813 Ayuddin Peer Review Global Structural Analysis of High Rise Hospital Building Using Earthquake Resistant Design Approach pdf 133
9814 Jusdin Puluhulawa Peer Review Gorontalo Goverment Performance to Excellen Program Succes and the Implication to Society (Studi Performance or Agriculture, Fishery, and Education Sectors) pdf 479
9815 Mukhlisulfatih Latief Peer Review Gorontalo Medicinal Plants Image Identification System Using Artificial Neural Network with Back Propagation pdf 110
9816 Sastro Mustapa Wantu Peer Review Government Policies and Ethnical Diversity Under Multiculturalism: The Study of Pohuwato Regency pdf 217
9817 Tineke Wolok Peer Review Government’s Performance On The Public Service Regarding Building Permits In Urban Planning Office Of Gorontalo City pdf 135
9818 Ismet Sulila Peer Review Government’s Performance on the Public Service Regarding Building Permits in City Planning Department of Gorontalo City pdf 100
9819 Ismet Sulila Peer Review Government’s Performance on the Public Service Regarding Building Permits in City Planning Department of Gorontalo City (2) pdf 111
9820 Citron S. Payu Peer Review HAKI: "Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Bagi Masyarakat Petani Melalui Diversifikasi" pdf 106
9821 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review HAKI: "Penerapan Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi dalam Perspektif Budaya Organisasi" pdf 122
9822 Rahmatiah Peer Review HAKI: A Conceptual Framework in The Formation of Young Entrepreneurship in Indonesia pdf 91
9823 Rahmatiah Peer Review HAKI: Business Continuity, Motivation, and Social Condition of Young Enterpreneurs pdf 108
9824 Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali Peer Review HAKI: Desain Mekanikal Elekrikal Pikohidro pdf
9825 Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali Peer Review HAKI: Desain Penerangan Ruang Kerja Perajin Karawo pdf