
Halaman 397 dari 668
Jumlah Total Unduh : 31461897
Total Koleksi Digital : 16689
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9901 Selvi Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "Implementation of Public Service Agency for Good University Governance" pdf 111
9902 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "Information Technology Governance Framework in the Public Sector Organizations" pdf 147
9903 Selvi Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "Mapping of Financial Literacy Levels of the People in Gorontalo City in Supporting the Policy of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia" pdf 132
9904 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "Measuring the capability level of IT governance: a research study of COBIT 5 at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo" pdf 252
9905 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "The Development of Gravity Comic Learning Media Based On Gorontalo Culture" pdf 127
9906 Citron S. Payu Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "The Influence Of M-Learning Based Ryleac Learning Model Towards Students’ Character In SMA 1 State Senior High School In Gorontalo" pdf 102
9907 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "The Measurement of Maturity Level of Information Technology Service Based On COBIT 5 Framework" pdf 190
9908 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "Towards good monitoring IT governance in public sector organizations" pdf 322
9909 Citron S. Payu Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: "Use of Social Media Assisted Inquiry Learning Model" pdf 80
9910 Yuliana Retnowati Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: Antimicrobial activities of actinomycete isolates from rhizospheric soils in different mangrove forests of Torosiaje, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 104
9911 Yuliana Retnowati Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: Diversity of antibiotic-producing Actinomycetes in mangrove forest of Torosiaje, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 117
9912 Mohamad Adam Mustapa Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectroscopy Assay for Quercin and Conjugated Quercetin in Skin Rods (Hibiscus tiliaceus) pdf 161
9913 Zulaeha Laisa Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: Primary School Teachers and Learning Media in the Era of Education 4.0 pdf 324
9914 Yuliana Retnowati Peer Review Jurnal Internasional: Short Communication Isolation of Actinomycetes from mangrove ecosystem in Torosiaje, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 140
9915 Rama Hiola Peer Review Jurnal Mercury Levels in The River Water and Urine of Traditional Gold Miners in Hulawa Village East Sumalata District North Gorontalo Regency pdf 255
9916 Ismet Sulila Peer Review Jurnal Model Development of Internal Institution Sinergity in Efforts to Realize High Quality Governance of Effective Tri Dharma Academic at Gorontalo State University pdf 173
9917 Rama Hiola Peer Review Jurnal Modelling of Stunting Events Based on Nutritional Status of Elementary School Students pdf 302
9918 Mursidah Waty Peer Review Jurnal Nasional "Pelatihan Pengelolaan Limbah Home Industri Garment dengan Teknik Patchwork" pdf 218
9919 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Nasional JJI: Motion Graphic Animation Video as Alternative Learning Media pdf 196
9920 Nova Elysia Ntobuo Peer Review Jurnal Nasional JPFI: Development of Virtual Laboratory-Based of Learning to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes of High School Students pdf 144
9921 Nova Elysia Ntobuo Peer Review Jurnal Nasional JPFT: Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Virtual Laboratory Berbasis Phet terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Gelombang pdf 161
9922 Nova Elysia Ntobuo Peer Review Jurnal Nasional JPFT: Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Konsep Tekanan Zat di Kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Pertama pdf 261
9923 Mursidah Waty Peer Review Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi "Rekayasa Teknologi Pewarnaan Airbrush Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Tekstil Menjadi High Fashion" pdf 186
9924 Citron S. Payu Peer Review Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi: "Development of Virtual Laboratory-Based of Learning to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes of High School Students" pdf 97
9925 Lanto Ningrayati Amali Peer Review Jurnal Nasional terakreditasi: "The Influence of Organizational Culture in Application of Information Technology Governance" pdf 134