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14476 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Keanekaragam Spesies, Biomassa Dan Stok Karbon Pada Hutan Mangrove Torosiaje Kabupaten Pohuwato Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 159
14477 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism Research Report: Structure Of Vegetation, Biomass, And Carbon Stock Of Langge Mangrove Forest, Gorontalo Utara Regency, Gorontalo Province pdf 157
14478 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The Diversity of true and associate mangroves in Ilodelunga Village, District of North Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 233
14479 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The density, composition and mangrove forest habitat in coastal areas of Torosiaje Jaya Village, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 158
14480 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Revision Certificate of Plagiarism The diversity of Mangroves in the Village of Langge, Sub-district of Anggrek, North Gorontalo pdf 183
14481 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Struktur Vegetasi dan Komposisi Jenis pada Ekosistem Mangrove Desa Langge Kecamatan Anggrek Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 339
14482 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : The Diversity of true and associate mangroves in Ilodelunga Village, District of North Gorontalo pdf 399
14483 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : The Effect Of Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Cooperative Learning Models On Students’ Learning Outcomes In Natural Sciences Learning In Elementary School pdf 333
14484 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : The density, composition and mangrove forest habitat in coastal areas of Torosiaje Jaya Village, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 164
14485 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : The diversity of Mangroves in the Village of Langge, Sub-district of Anggrek, North Gorontalo pdf 252
14486 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Tugas Tambahan Laporan Penlitian Hibah pdf 163
14487 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Turnitin Natural aspect of the megalithic cultural heritage area of the Bada Valley (Central Sulawesi): Vegetation composition and biodiversity analyses pdf 73
14488 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Turnitin The Diversity of Diurnal Birds in Panua Sanctuary Conservation Area in Pohuwato District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 66
14489 Sukirman Rahim Sukirman Rahim : Turnitin “Life finds a way”: A reflection on the smuggling of a living fossil, the Borneo Earless Monitor, Lanthanotus borneensis (Squamata: Lanthanotidae), in Indonesia pdf 64
14490 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Hard Skill-Based Village Administration Management in the Coastal Area Community of Bilato Village, Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province pdf 136
14491 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Inovasi dan Merdeka Belajar pdf 113
14492 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Konsep Dasar Profesionalisme Kepala Sekolah. Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Profesional Era Revolusi 4.0 pdf 344
14493 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Konsep Dasar Profesionalisme Kepala Sekolah. Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Profesional Era Revolusi 4.0 pdf 106
14494 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Panduan Penerapan Physical Distancing di Lingkungan PAUD pdf 130
14495 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Peereviewer Hard Skill-Based Village Administration Management in the Coastal Area Community of Bilato Village, Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province pdf 115
14496 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Peereviewer Inovasi dan Merdeka Belajar pdf 84
14497 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Peereviewer Panduan Penerapan Physical Distancing di Lingkungan PAUD pdf 129
14498 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Peereviewer Pola Pengelolaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kota Gorontalo pdf 107
14499 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Peereviewer Recruitment Methods, Employee Selection Tests Interview Selection Training Orientation Company Institutions In Gorontalo Province pdf 118
14500 Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Pola Pengelolaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kota Gorontalo pdf 162