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10751 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi The Influence of Structure, Resources, Disposition and Communication on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Empowerment Policy Implementation in Indonesia pdf 139
10752 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The Influence of Structure, Resources, Disposition and Communication on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Empowerment Policy Implementation in Indonesia pdf 108
10753 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi The influence of Organizational Commitment and the quality of library services on the University Students’ Reading Interest pdf 105
10754 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The influence of Organizational Commitment and the quality of library services on the University Students’ Reading Interest pdf 86
10755 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi The Effect Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency and Fairness on the Governance Performance of State Universities in Indonesia pdf 133
10756 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The Effect Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency and Fairness on the Governance Performance of State Universities in Indonesia pdf 107
10757 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi The effect of Intensification and Extensification of Tax and Retribution on Local Own-Source Revenue pdf 203
10758 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The effect of Intensification and Extensification of Tax and Retribution on Local Own-Source Revenue pdf 118
10759 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin Public Policy Performance Improvement through Community Empowerment in the Program Liability Housing Help in Gorontalo District pdf 105
10760 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin Integrated Services Policy In Managing The Poor And The Less Fortunate In Gorontalo District pdf 110
10761 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The Influence of Behavior Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) Leaders on the Implementation of Supervision Function Polocies and Effectiveness of Government Administration in Boalemo Regency pdf 89
10762 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The Impact Of Bureaucratic Integrity And Loyalty On Government’s Institutional Performance pdf 119
10763 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi Village Fund Policy Implementation Model in Efforts to Reduce Poverty Rate pdf 175
10764 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin Village Fund Policy Implementation Model in Efforts to Reduce Poverty Rate pdf 120
10765 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Korespondensi The Impact of Bureaucratic Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture in Public Sectoron the Performance of State Civil Apparatus pdf 158
10766 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The Impact of Bureaucratic Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture in Public Sectoron the Performance of State Civil Apparatus pdf 112
10767 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin State Civil Service Placement System (ASN) Through Analysis Based Selection (BERLIAN) In The Government Of Gorontalo District pdf 97
10768 Beby Sintia Dewi Banteng Beby Sintia Dewi Banteng : Kawasan Pesisir Tomini : Masyarakat, Konservasi dan Pariwisata pdf 669
10769 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Korespondensi Measuring Changes In Hydrolysis Concept Of Students Taught By Inquiry Model: Stacking And Racking Analysis Techniques In Rasch Model pdf 162
10770 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Turnitin Measuring Changes In Hydrolysis Concept Of Students Taught By Inquiry Model: Stacking And Racking Analysis Techniques In Rasch Model pdf 106
10771 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Turnitin Developing Competency Evaluation of Pre-Service Science Teachers in Industrial Revolution 4.0: Revealing Pedagogic and Professional Competencies pdf 149
10772 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Korespondensi Rasch Modelling To Evaluate Reasoning Difficulties, Changes Of Responses, And Item Misconception Pattern Of Hydrolysis pdf 170
10773 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Turnitin Rasch Modelling To Evaluate Reasoning Difficulties, Changes Of Responses, And Item Misconception Pattern Of Hydrolysis pdf 118
10774 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Turnitin Content Validation of Digital Instrument for Measurement of Pedagogic Competence for Social Science Teacher Candidates in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era in Indonesia pdf 122
10775 Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali Turnitin: Development of Virtual Laboratory in Electric Engines Practicum Subject pdf 143