Weny Almoravid Dungga
- Hukum
Participatory supervision is essential for ensuring the legitimacy of elections as well as the
realization of democratic and credible elections. However, both in terms of regulation and policy, participatory
supervision has not been fully utilized.As a result, it is critical to examine how the problem of participatory
supervision is handled by the election management body and to develop future regulations concerning
participatory supervision by the election supervisory agency. This study is categorized as a doctrinal research,
using a statutory approach, a historical approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that
there is a problem in the form of ambivalence in the regulation of participatory supervision in the Election Law
which does not explicitly grant technical regulatory authority to Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Agency) and
only mentions that the KPU (General Election Commission) has implications for ambiguity in the regulation of
electoral law in Indonesia and legal certainty for technical regulations for participatory supervision. The
problem is even more complicated when changes to the Election Law cannot be carried out at this time because
it has been determined to be a regulation that will be used in the 2024 simultaneous elections.Therefore, efforts
that can be made to overcome these problems are by allocating an adequate budget, changing public perceptions,
to partnering with local governments.The necessity that can be done after the 2024 election is to make changes
to the Election Law by uniforming the authority of participatory supervision to Bawaslu, both in terms of
making regulations to carrying out all programs related to participatory supervision.
American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (AJMRD)
Volume 04, Issue 08 (August - 2022), PP 36-39 ISSN: 2360-821X
Material Type
Jurnal Internasional
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