Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
Grafting has become a technique with high potential for increasing the efficiency of modern and intelligent crop cultivation, and shows its adoption of power and robustness under different inspection situations. This study aims to determine impact of interaction between scions length and cover type on the success of durian grafting. It was carried out using a Split Plot Design method, with the main plot being the cover type composed of individual and mass of cover type, while the subplot consists of 10 and 20 cm scions length. The observed variable were time of bud emergence, percentage of bud emergence, bud length, leaves of number and grafting of success. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If there are significantly different treatments then proceed with the Least Significant Difference test at 5% level. The results showed that the interaction between scions of length and cover type treatment did not affect grafting technique. However, the treatment of cover type affected the percentage of bud emergence, bud length, leaves of number, and grafting success. The treatment of scions of length also affected the leaves of number. The mass cover type resulted in 93.5% bud emergence, 1.5 cm bud length, 2.73 increase in the leaves of number, and 93% grafting success. Meanwhile, the treatment of scions of length 20 cm increased the leaves of number by 2.13 strands. Scions of length that is successfully connected to grow and form new shoots has an impact on the development of healthy stems. The cover type in this study was able to protect grafting plants from direct exposure to sunlight, maintain plant moisture, prevent pests and diseases, protect from rain so that grafting can be successful. Keywords: Durian grafting, scions length, cover type, mass and individual, vegetative propagation
Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences (JGIAS)
Wawan Pembengo, I Made Budi Adnyana, Suyono Dude, Hayatiningsih Gubali, Nikmah Musa, Indriati Husain, Silvana Apriliani, Yuliana Bakari
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