Nonny Basalama
- Bahasa
Whilst many teaching techniques have been researched and implemented in English foreign language classroom to encourage learners to speak, those that embrace learners’ local culture and tradition in excelling EFL learners’ motivation to speak have hardly been examined. This paper in particular explores EFL learners’ and teachers’ beliefs and motivation on a teaching model offered in its attempts to encourage students’ motivation to speak English. As a part of larger Research and Development (R & D) study, the data were obtained from students’ surveys, small scale classroom implementation of the model, focus group interview (FGI) with sixty three EFL learners (derived from two different Junior high schools; a regular school and a high prestigious school), and FGI with several EFL teachers and two ELT experts in Gorontalo Province Indonesia. The study indicates that the integration of EFL learners’ local culture tradition in their speaking classroom has significantly influenced EFL learners’ motivation to speak English. It also reveals that autonomy learning of the learners persists despite challenges and difficulties experienced by learners and teachers in their learning and teaching context where English has been hardly used both outside and inside their classrooms. It is hoped that this paper discussion will offer a new perspective in teaching English in a foreign language context.
teaching speaking, motivation and local culture tradition
Nonny Basalama
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