Abdul Rahmat
- Pendidikan
Abstract—Recently, In a class all aspects of learning to meet and proceed; with all his teachers; students with all the background and potential; curriculum with all its components; method by all approach; media with all devices; with any source of learning materials to meet and interact in the classroom. Meanwhile, the learning outcomes determined also everything that happens in the classroom. Therefore, class to Be in good, professional, and sustainable. This study aims to examine the management model class in literacy learning through buhuta approach walama lo tihedu in Gorontalo Province. This research was conducted in Gorontalo province, carried out during the year, namely 2015-2016. This research is classified into types Research and Developmet. Subjects were illiterate residents learned basic level in Gorontalo province. The results showed that the problems that often arise in the application class management due to less cohesive class, differences in ethnicity, gender, behavior deviations. It happened because it has not used this forum for communication for community-based culture as a means of resolving illiteracy is approach buhuta walama lo tihedu that utilizes raised illiterate who are members of a neighborhood association intervened to program basic literacy so that they can read, write, count, Indonesian, and a knowledge base that can provide opportunities to actualize themselves. The role of chairman of the neighborhood since the data collection, as a tutor and encourage participation and motivator for this citizens learn at a basic level of literacy programs. For the RT is the person who directly deal with the public and who saw the real conditions in society. Keywords—order a classroom atmosphere, effective class organization and achievement of learners
Atlantis Press
Abdul Rahmat
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