Fahrudin Zain Olilingo
- Ekonomi
Regional economic development based on natural resources potential of an area requires creativity, innovation, commitment, and consistency in a pattern of development based on community development involving varius interlinked stakeholders. This study investigates the successful trials on grouper aquaculture development in Bualemo District Gorontalo Province using partnership and community based patterns. Potential development of grouper aquaculture in the district was based on a survey conducted by the Department of Marine and Fisheries Gorontalo (2014) covering an area of 140 ha. Until now, this potential is not maximally utilized generally due to constrain in capital and technical aspect of cultivation. On that basis, trials on grouper aquaculture development are currently being conducted within triangular partnership cooperation between PT. Binatama Bali as investor with PT. Gorontalo Fitrah Mandiri and local fishermen. PT. Binatama Bali served as a supplier of seeds, provision of technical and market guarantees, PT. Gorontalo Fitrah Mandiri provides capital infrastructure investment, maintenance and supply of feed while local fishermen became farmers in the field and get paid every month. The result during the first cycle of maintenance in 2014 showed that among 7,500 seedlings there were 6,500 harvests with an average weight of 0.5 kg up to a total production of 3.5 tons to be sold to the partner, PT. Bali Binatama, for Rp. 350.000,- /kg, according to the contract agreement. Net profit after tax earned by PT. Gorontalo Fitrah Mandiri was Rp. 499.531.750,-. The feasibility analysis shows the B/C ratio of 1.73, the break-even production of 2596.8 kg and breakeven price of Rp. 140.348,- with a payback period of 7 months 5 days and on the basis of such matters, the cultivation of grouper in the District of Boalemo is feasible to be developed.
Key Words: Feasibility, Partnership, Development, Aquaculture, Groupers.
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