Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
Research aims to understand the influence of fertilizing and the distance planting, and the
interaction between them on the growth of and from the sale of peanuts . The study is done in
the Village Toto Utara Subdistrict Tilongkabila District Bone Bolango . Time of the research
commenced in september and with december 2013 . This research in a design random a group
factorials consisting of 2 factors where factors first is fertilizing to plant peanut namely
treatment control , treatment doses 150 kg per ha and treatment 300 kg per ha and the second
factor are the distance planting 25 x 50 and 50 x 50. Parameter observation covering tall plant,
number of leaves, the number of pods, and weighed 100 seeds . The results of treatment
fertilizing not had have real impact on growth and the results of peanuts. Treatment distance
planting influential on the parameter tall plant, and heavy pods per plants while parameter
number of leaves and weighed 100 seeds do not affect. Treatment distance planting 50 x 25
cm affect the increase in tall plant at the age of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 mst is as much as 31,47 cm,
39,73 cm, 50,11 cm, 55,09 cm, and 61,73 cm while treatment distance planting 50 x 50 cm
affect the increase in heavy pods plants of 36,87 g. interactions among treatment fertilizer at a
distance planting do not affect significant at growth and the results of peanuts.
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 3 No. 2 Agustus 2014
Djafar Matui, Nelson Pomalingo, Wawan Pembengo
Material Type
ISSN 2252-3774
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