Wawan Pembengo
- Pertanian
This research aims at finding out the influence of liquid fertilizer application and the different planting space and interaction betwen both on the growth and production of sorghum plants. This research is conducted from March to June 2016 in Tamboo village of Tilongkabila subdistrict, district of Bone Bolango, Province of Gorontalo this research uses random factorial group design that consists of 2 factors. The first factor (liquid organic fertilizer Marolis) consists of four stages namely, no treatment stage (control), 15 liter/ha, 20 liter/ha, 25 liter/ha, and the second faktor is (planting space) consists of two types, 70 x 20 cm, 60 x 25 cm. The data are analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and if there are influence of liquid organic fertilizer and planting space then the least significant differences test is conducted in the level of ?=5%. This research shows that 25 liter/ha treatment gives the highest differences compared to the control group but do not significantly difference from the 20 liter/ha dosage in 1000 seeds weight. Planting space of 70 x 20 cm shows significant differences on plants heigh, number of leaves, and production per plot. There is not difference of interaction of both administration of liquid organic fertilizer and the planting space. Keywords: Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Planting Space, Sorghum
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 6 No. 2 Agustus 2017
Sri Yolanda Lahay, Mohamad Ikbal Bahua, Wawan Pembengo
Material Type
ISSN 2252-3774
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