Yuniarti Koniyo
- Perikanan
Fish manggabai (Glossogobiusgiuris) is one of the endemic fish species found in Lake Limboto. Fish Manggabai have economic value, the price is relatively high and demand by people of Gorontalo. But the existence of such fish decreased so necessary to the domestication. This study is explorative, aims to study extensively about water quality parameters that include physical, chemical and biological. Collecting data through surveys and laboratory methods using descriptive and quantitative analysis. This research is expected to yield information about water quality in accordance with Manggabai fish life and domestication efforts basis. Based on the analysis results obtained: Physical parameters ie temperature of 25.2 ° C - 30.5° C, the brightness of 20-55 cm, a depth of 0.57 -2.59 (m), muddy substrates, color green waters, is less clear, odorless: chemical parameters namely pH 6.6 to 7.3, DO 5-8 ppm, Nitrate 2-3 mg / l, TSS 10-24 mg / l; biological parameter that there are types of zooplankton consists of classes Coppepoda, Rotifera, Protozoa, phytoplankton of the class Bacillariophyceae, Clorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Dynophyceae, Euglanaphyceae. and the types of aquatic plants that Teratai (Nelumbiumsp), Salvinia (Azolla pinata), hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes), water spinach Water (Ipomoea Aquatica), Plambungo (Ipomoea Crassicaulis), Grass (Panicumrepens, Scirpusmucronatus), Tumbili (Pistiastratiotesh ), Hydrila (Hydrillaverticilata). Keywords: Domestication, LakeLimboto, Manggabai, Water Quality
Perkumpulan Ahli & Dosen Republik Indonesia (ADRI)
Yuniarti Koniyo, Juliana
Material Type
Proceeding 10th ADRI 2017 International Multidisciplinary Conference and Call for Paper, Batam, March 3-4, 2017, ISBN: 978-602-60736-5-5
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