Tirtawaty Abdul
- Sains
This research is aimed to develop learning device based on virtual laboratory through PheT simulation which is implemented in SMA Negeri 1 Limboto Barat for Physics lesson with sound material. This research is a type of development research that refers to the design of 4-D model according Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel (1974) which consists of 4 stages of define, design, develop and disseminate. The results of this study indicate that learning device based on virtual laboratory through PheT simulation: (1) Categorized valid and feasible according to the expert; (2) learning device are easy to use and to improve the response of learners in learning. In addition, the implementation of learning by using learning device based on virtual laboratory through PheT simulation is in very good criteria, (3) learning device based on virtual laboratory through PheT simulation is effective to use because based on the results obtained that the percentage average score of student activity during learning activities meeting of 1, 2, and 3 are at 87.5%; and student learning outcomes in process skills are categorized well with an average score of 78.5%. Based on this matter, it can be concluded that learning device based on virtual laboratory through PheT simulation for Physics lesson with sound material that has been developed is said to be valid, practical and effective so that it can be used in Physics learning process in SMA.
Keywords: Learning device; Phet; virtual laboratory; physics lesson.
Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers (GSSRR)
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