Sri Indriyani Dai
- Ekonomi
Agricultural development with superior commodities is expected to create a balance and harmony of the environment and can regulate the pattern of land use in accordance with agricultural commodities optimally and finally manage the region of agricultural commodities well, especially the superior commodities of the agricultural sector in Gorontalo Regency. The leading sector will be able to attract the development of other sectors. If the development between the superior and non-superior sectors occurs together, there will be an intensity of economic activity that can increase the economy in Gorontalo Regency. The object of research is all agricultural sector commodities in the Gorontalo Regency region. The analysis model used is LQ Analysis, Shift-Share, Klasen Typology and Overlay. Based on the results of research that the main commodities of rice are in Asparaga, Batudaa, Boliyohuto, Bongomeme, West Limboto, Limboto, Mootilango, Tabongo, Telaga Biru, Telaga, Telaga Jaya and Tolangohula. The main commodities of maize are in Asparaga, Batudaa, Bilato, Bongomeme, Dungaliyo, West Limboto, Mootilango, Pulubala, Tabongo, and Tibawa, Tilango. Peanut commodities are found in Boliyohuto and Tabongo. Cassava commodities are found in the Districts of Batudaa, Batudaa Pantai, Biluhu, Bongomeme, Pulubala and Telaga Biru. Sweet Potato commodities are superior in five sub-districts in Gorontalo Regency such as Asparaga District, Batudaa Pantai, Biluhu, Bongomomeme and Telaga Biru. Soybean commodities are in Batudaa Pantai District, Mootilango, Tabongo and Tibawa. Green bean commodities in Batudaa District, Limboto, Pulubala. Coconut commodities in Batudaa, Batudaa Pantai, Biluhu, Boliyohuto, Bongomeme, Limboto Barat, Limboto, Pulubala and Tibawa Subdistricts. Cocoa Commodities are in Asparaga, Boliyohuto and Tolangohula, For superior beef and goat commodities in all Districts in Gorontalo Regency
Keywords: Agricultural Leading Commodities
Gorontalo Development Review
Faculty of Economics, State University of Gorontalo, Economics Development
Material Type
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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