Fence M Wantu
- Hukum
The transformation of the criminal sanction concept currently adopted by Indonesia from the concept of imprisonment and retaliation to the concept of correctionalism and guidance is essentially directed at the recovery and improvement of behavior, the attitude of criminals to change as well as expected, but the empirical phenomenon that occurs shows that not infrequently in prisons riots occurred, including in Gorontalo Province. The occurrence of two cases of riots that occurred in Gorontalo correctional institution is always associated with the condition of Gorontalocoorrectional institution which is over capacity, even though it needs to be considered and reviewed about the use of the value of local wisdom as one approach that can be used in conducting coaching and correctional services in Gorontalo correctional institution, especially Gorontalo Province has wealth culture that has historically been included in the division of 19 customary territories delivered by Van Vollen Hoven and also known as the SerambiMadinahâ area. The purpose of this study is to find out the value of whatever local wisdom can develop and use as a strategy and approach in conducting guidance to inmates in Gorontalo Correctional Institution.
KEYWORDS: Punishment, IusConstituendum, Criminal Law, Local Wisdom
Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd
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