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This study aimed to 1) identify the leadership model PLQC in Gorontalo city educational institutions, 2) finding the model design PLQC in Gorontalo city educational institutions, and 3) to make a model of leadership standards in educational institutions PLQC Gorontalo City. This study used a qualitative approach to the design of multi standardized case for reseach development. The results of this study illustrate that 1) Leadership educational institutions on quality culture include: a) strong articulation of the vision and mission as a self-image led educational institutions and organizations through the dissemination and implementation, b) leadership values manifested in the organization of educational institutions such as discipline, honesty , and others, c) leader of education institutions interpret the values of the symbols educational institutions to preserve, maintain and enhance the quality of cultural institutions, d) leader of education institution create ekstrensik and intrensik reward in educational institutions, e) leader of education institution design education organization for leadership effectiveness with the pattern of command relationships and consultation, f) leader of educaton institutions makes social relationships and emotional according to the uniqueness of each institution, 2) quality culture in educational institutions include: a) the leadership of educational institutions improve the quality of service and extracurricular intrakurikuler, b) the leadership of educational institutions to improve the quality of teachers and staff, c) and the leadership of educational institutions to improve the quality of facilities/infrastructure organizations.
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta
Material Type
ISSN 1410-3583
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