Muhammad Mukhtar
- Peternakan
ABSTRACT This research aims was to determine the production and carrying capacity of crop waste as a source of beef cattle feed, analyze the capacity of livestock development from the utilization of food crop waste and design the strategy of beef cattle development by utilizing the existing food crops in the province of Gorontalo by taking one the regency that is refresatif of Gorontalo Regency is finally followed by all districts in Gorontalo Province, because Gorontalo Regency is indeed a district that has the largest paangan plantation area and the largest population of livestock. The research was conducted in Gorontalo District in 2016. Site selection based on the amount of food crop production and the potential of beef cattle population where Gorontalo Regency has very high food crop production and largest ruminant’s population (39.27%) from all regencies in Province Gorontalo. The production of fresh rice straw based on harvested area is 767,197 tons /year or after converted to dry matter production is 366,293 tons / year. While the fresh production of maize straw is 729,679 tons/year or equal to 319,359 tons / year of dry matter production. Food crop waste has great potential as a source of beef cattle feed in Kabupaten Gorontalo. The carrying capacity of dry matter of food crops is 601.591 livestock unit (LU), so the Regional Government of Kab. Gorontalo can increase the population of adult beef cattle as much as 562,823 LU. The priority strategy in the utilization of food crop waste as a source of beef cattle feed in Gorontalo regency were : 1) integrated agricultural development integrated cattle with rice and maize; 2) Improving the quality and saving capacity of food crops through technological inputs; 3) Establish a feed industry based on local resources; 4) Construction of beef cattle feed gardens in the central agricultural area and facilities and infrastructure of means of transportation; and 5) Institutional strengthening of livestock groups with legal status and provision of business capital from the government through group of farmers.
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