Safriyanto Dako
- Peternakan
Growth Hormone (GH) is a hormone produced by cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary
somatrotop and formation process under the control of GH gene. One important function of this
hormone is to help the process of tissue formation and metabolism of fat to meat forming. The
purpose of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of genes GH Kacang goat in subpopulations
of Kota Gorontalo and Regency of Bone Bolango. Blood samples were used for DNA
extraction process in Centre of Biotechnology Laboratory University of Hasanuddin is 41 samples of
Kacang goats with 21 samples from Kota Gorontalo city and 20 samples from Regency of Bone
Bolango. Genomic DNA was extracted using a kit DNA extraction Genjet Genomic DNA Extraction
(Thermo Scientific) following standard protocol phenol-chloroform, amplified by the technique of
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and genotyping was done by Polymerase Chain Reaction-
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) using the restriction enzyme Hae III. Data
were analyzed descriptively by calculating the frequency of genotype, allele frequency, and degree
of heterozygosity. The results showed GH genotype frequencies for the genotypes AA and AB were
2.45 and 97.5% respectively and the frequency of alleles A and B were 51.2 and 48.7% per cent
respectively and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.97 and
0.50 respectively. Based on the sub-population genotype frequencies obtained GH gene of Kacang
goat from Kota Gorontalo is 95.25 % for AA and 4.76% for AB, the frequency of allele A and B was
52.3% 47.6%, observated heterozygosity (Ho) 0.95 and expected heterozygosity (He ) 0.51. GH gene
genotype frequencies in Kacang goat from Regency of Bone Bolango is AB 100%, the frequency of
allele A and allele B 0.5 0.5, observation heterozygosity (Ho) of 1.00 and expectation heterozygosity
(He) 0.51. Based on the results concluded GH gene Kacang goat from Kota Gorontalo and Regency of
Bone Bolango is polymorphic so that it can be used as the basis for the implementation of the
Key Words: Genetic Diversity, Growth Hormone, Kacang Goat
Unhalu Press
Material Type
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