Dakia N. Djou
- Bahasa
The problem examined in this paper is the role of verbal expressions of oral tradition in Gorontalo on character building for the younger generation. This problem is raised considering how many verbal expressions are embedded in the oral tradition, which in principle can be used as a means to educate the young generation of Gorontalo. For example, 15 kinds of oral literature are always expressed during the ritual processions in Gorontalo to this day. These traditions include: palebohu (advice), tuja’i (traditional poetry), paantungi (traditional poetry), paa’iya lo hungo lopoli (reciprocal poery. All of these traditions are a means of character education for the younger generation. That is considered important, given the prevalence of embarrassing and frightening events such as brawls among youths, rape, robbery, sexual
immorality, and various terrible events in various media or our environment. Such conditions require a clear way of thinking to overcome the degradation of the younger generation’s
character, which is getting dissolved and carried away by the times’ progress. The efforts that have been, are being, and we will be doing, are mentoring through formal education such as schools and non-formal education such as youth organizations or religious lectures. Another
effort we may be able to carry out is through oral tradition.
Keyword: character, generation, expression, tradition, traditional
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