Asna Ntelu
- Bahasa
Figurative language in poetry is important to study because figurative
language is one part of the physical structure of poetry that can animate or
cause certain effect and cause certain connotation of words contained in
poetry. This research was carried out to obtain figurative language
description in Chairil Anwar's poems. The procedure that was passed from
data collection to data interpretation were (a) identifying figurative
languages in Chairil Anwar's poems, (b) understanding languages in
figurative form, (c) understanding the description of meaning contained
in it, and ( d) marking the units of segmentation in the form of figurative
language. Data analysis was based on three processes, namely the
reduction process, the data presentation process, and the verification
process. Based on the result of the study obtained, the figurative language
is closely related to reality life, poets have a specific purpose in using
figurative language, reader must try to understand figurative language in
an effort to intact the meaning of a poem, in the poems of Chairil Anwar a
number of the beauty of figurative language that can help the reader
interpret the meaning of the lines contained there in. Figurative language
is presented in his poems to make it easier for reader to interpret the poem.
In his poems, Chairil Anwar does not just mention figurative language so
that the poems seem interesting, but the inclusion of figurative language
was done carefully so that the reader is able to know the meaning of
figurative language even though it is considered difficult to interpret.
Keywords: figurative language, poetry, reality life, meaning, interpret
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung
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