- Ekonomi
This Community Service of Learning and Community Empowerment activity (Henceforth called by KKN-PPM) is entitled by Development of Production Business Unit and Packaging of Seaweed Based Processed Product for Micro Enterprise of Making Dodol (Typical Indonesian
sweet toffee-like sugar palm-based confection), Selai (Jam) and Kerupuk (Typical Indonesian cracker) and it takes place in Village of Ilodulunga, Sub-district of Anggrek which is base of seaweed farmers in District of Gorontalo Utara.
KKN-PPM activity aims to guide and to empower group of seaweed farmers thus the society has knowledge and skill in processing seaweed to be processed food product which has high economic value through utilization of appropriate technology, thus it is able to improve
income of seaweed farmers.
Generally, program achievement can be seen from implementation of the program in type of training and guidance for enterprise group that produces seaweed to be products of dodol, selai and kerupuk which is finished based on the plan. Based on finding of monitoring and evaluation performed either by KKN-PPM team or Research and Community Service Institution (LPPM) of Gorontalo State University, it can be concluded that the activity is well applied and succeeded.
This refers to target and output, thus it can be measured through the expected indicators of program achievement from KKN-PPM products namely:
Improvement of Production
It is improved, response of the groups is positive towards the activity. Expectation of the groups continues to other activity stages which can be developed, particularly through improvement of KKN-PPM team production to grant various tools/ equipments which support the production process.
Cost Efficiency
By utilizing proper technology, the enterprise group society in producing seaweed processed product such as dodol, selai and kerupuk is easier which is supported by adequate tools/equipments.
System Repair
The system repair in enterprise group of seaweed processor to be processed product such as dodol, selai and kerupuk have been improved and it is able to be implemented through training to enterprise group about how to shape good entrepreneurship sense and the management thus every enterprise is difficult to have loss.
Improvement of Society Participation
The improvement of society participation towards enterprise group about how to process the seaweed to be nutritious food as dodol, selai and kerupuk has been improved. This can be seen from other society involvement in making dodol, selai and kerupuk. Therefore, it is expected to decrease unemployment level and improve household income.
Keywords: Production Process, Packaging, Seaweed
Universitas Negeri Manado
Selvi, SE.,M.Si, Sri Indriyani S. Dai, SE.,M.Si
Material Type
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, ISBN: 978-602-14701-1-4, Oktober 2017
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