Rieny Sulistijowati S.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu ikan tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) yang diawetkan dengan sari daun jambu biji selama penyimpanan. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah lama penyimpanan ikan tongkol dengan sari daun jambu biji 50% dengan taraf waktu 15 jam, 18 jam dan 21 jam. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan metode Multirater Rasch Model untuk mendapatkan data hasil mutu organoleptik dan dianalisis dengan Minifac. Data hasil mikrobiologi Total Plate Count (TPC) diperoleh melalui Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan dianalis dengan Compare Means One-Way ANOVA. Hasil berdasarkan analisis rasch model menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan ikan tongkol 15 jam merupakan perlakuan terbaik pada parameter kenampakan mata: bola mata rata; Insang: merah tua cemerlang dengan sedikit lendir; Daging: jaringan kuat, Tekstur: agak lunak agak elastic , dan pada peyimpanan 18 jam terbaik pada parameter bau yaitu segar spesifik ikan. Nilai mutu organoleptik lama penyimpanan 15 jam dan 18 jam memenuhi standar SNI 2729-2013. Hasil analisis mikrobiologi memberikan pengaruh nyata pada total bakteri pada penyimpanan 15 jam log 3,20 Cfu/g, penyimpanan 18 jam log 5,22 Cfu/g, penyimpanan 21 jam log 5,67 CFU/g dimana SNI 5 x 105.
Kata Kunci : ; Ikan Tongkol; Organoleptik; Pengawetan, Sari Daun Jambu; TPC.
Preservation of Tuna Fish (Euthynnus affinis) using Guava Leaf Extract (Psidium guajava) During Room Temperature Storage
This study aims to determine the quality of tuna (Euthynnus Affinis) preserved with guava leaf extract during storage. The treatment in this study was the storage time of tuna with 50% guava leaf extract with time levels of 15, 18, and 21 hours. This research was designed using the Multirater Rasch Model method to obtain organoleptic quality data and analyzed with Minifac. Data from the Microbiology Total Plate Count (TPC) was obtained through a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and analyzed with Compare Means One-Way ANOVA. The results based on the analysis of the Rasch model should be including that 15 hour tuna storage is the best treatment should be including eye appearance: (flat eyeball), Gills (bright red with a little mucus), Meat (strong tissue), texture (rather soft rather elastic), and at 18 hours storage is best on the odor parameter that is fresh fish specific. Organoleptic quality value of 15 hours and 18 hours storage time correaponding SNI 2729-2013 standards. The results of microbiological analysis had a significant effect on total bacteria in 15 hours (log 3.20 Cfu/g storage), 18 hours (log 5.22 Cfu/g storage), 21 hours (log 5.67 CFU/g storage) where SNI 5 x 105.
Keywords: Euthynnus affinis; Organoleptic; Psidium guajava; Preservation; Total Plate Count
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