- Pendidikan
This research aimed to describe (1) the system flow of the financial management applications in
Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo, (2) the benefits of using the applications for the
school, and (3) the implications of using the applications. The approach used in this research was a qualitative
approach with case study design. The data collection techniques used were interview, observation and
documentation. The research results showed that (1) the system flow of the financial management applications
consisted of 3 applications namely SAS, SAIBA, and SIMAK BMN which in general, the process of the 3
applications were almost same where the operator firstly entered the financial data as input to obtain the output in
the form of financial reports. (2) the benefits of using these applications were the cost of preparing the financial
reports could be reduced; by using this application, the integration process that had been carried out in stages now
does not need to be done anymore, (3) using the applications in the school gave a very significant impact on the
school financial management, such as ensuring transparency and accountability in terms of using the school
budget. Therefore, it is recommended (1) to Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo to be
pleased to provide technical guidance to schools that have not yet implemented the application-based financial
management system so that in the future, all manual-based financial reporting activities are transferred to digital
applications, and (2) for financial staff to always update financial applications to maximize the financial
Atlantis Press
Sitti Roskina Mas, Arwildayanto, Muhammad A. Sahada
Material Type
Atlantis Press (Adances in Social, Eduication Humanities Research, volume 382, 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019))
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