- Perikanan
Vannamei shrimp is a fishery commodity that has important
economic value for Indonesia. This is indicated by the increasing number and
value of exports of this commodity. One of the efforts to encourage the production
of vaname shrimp is through the use of probiotics. sanolife-MIC is a probiotic
widely used in shrimp culture. The aim of the study was to analyze the feed profile
and biological performance of Vaname PL 10 shrimp fed pellets with the Sanolife
MIC-S probiotic capsule at different doses. The research method used is an
experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four
treatments (A: probiotic 0 gr/kg feed; B: probiotic 10 gr/kg feed; C: probiotic 12
gr/kg feed; D: probiotic 14 g/kg feed) and three replicates. What was tested in the
study were probiotic profile tests, growth, feed efficiency and feed conversion.
The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA. The results showed that the feed
profile that was encapsulated using sanolife MIC-S, the protein value, moisture
content and ash content for the feed were shown by treatment B. The best fat
content was treatment C. The best crude fiber content was treatment D. Weight
growth rate, ratio The best feed conversion and feed efficiency was shown by
treatment B, while the length growth and survival was indicated by treatment C.
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