- Sains
Limboto regency is part of the Gorontalo Groundwater Basin in Gorontalo Regency and is now a center of population growth, economy, and development. The geological formation and physical characteristics of the area affect the properties of the aquifer system and local groundwater potential. Limboto regency is an area traversed by the main Gorontalo fault line, and it is also where Lake Limboto is located. These phenomena indicate a complex and unique geological process and implications for groundwater potential of the local area.
This study aimed to examine for groundwater potential mapping. The research method used is a survey method, namely by making direct observations and measurements in the field. The sampling technique used is systematic random sampling for monitoring shallow groundwater or well water. Data analysis was carried out using a deterministic method based on geographic information systems.
The results showed that based on shallow groundwater depth data, the research location in the southern part or in the area around Lake Limboto had high groundwater potential, while in the northern part of the study site the groundwater potential was moderate to low. Based on the parameters of the physical condition of groundwater or dug well water, in general the research site has the potential for poor groundwater quality, and is not recommended for use in meeting drinking water needs.
Institud Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
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