Lia Amalia
- Kesehatan
The prevalence of malaria in Indonesia is still high, reaching 417,819 positive cases in 2012, currently 70
percent of malaria cases are found in eastern Indonesia. Malaria endemic areas in eastern Indonesia, spread over
84 districts / cities with a population of 16 million people at risk. The level of malaria endemicity in Gorontalo
is done based on AMI and API size. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and
nutritional status of children with malaria. This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional study
design. The sample is 105 children aged 7-12 years in SDN 5 East Sumalata. The independent variable is the
incidence of anemia and nutritional status and the dependent variable is the incidence of malaria. The results
showed anemia prevalence of 57,1% with mean Hb (10,6 gr / dL) and was in very mild anemia classification
and for the most nutritional status with normal nutrition status was 87,6%. by using Chi-Square statistic test with
95% significance (? = 0,05) showed that there was correlation between occurrence of anemia with malaria
incidence (?2 = 40,082 p value 0,000) and no relationship between nutritional status and malaria incidence (?2 =
1,495 p value 0.301), it is advisable to disseminate malaria-related information and anemia through increased
knowledge of malaria, run iron supplementation programs and food fortification programs.
Keywords: Malaria; anemia; nutrition status.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), ISSN: 2307-4531. Tahun 2017
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