Elsje Louise Sambouw
Types of research
Penelitian Dasar
Source of funds
This research aims to: 1) construct interactive digitizing materials in Semantic and Pragmatics Course to enhance students’ competence; 2) generate viable interactive digitizing materials for enhancing students’ competence in Semantics and Pragmatics Course, and 3) generate interactive effective learning materials for enhancing students’ competence in Semantics and Pragmatics Courses. This research addresses to development research that has been developed by Allesi & Trollip. It has already been broken down into some procedures, namely: a) planning, b) designing, and c) developing. The product testing refers to Maxim material that contributes to alpha test performed by two subject matter expert and two media experts, as well as the beta test will be tested through two phases, namely 1 beta test (small group test) of 6 students of class C at the 4th semester and 2 beta test (large group test) of 26 students of class B at the 4th semester of English Languade Education Study Programme. Data collection uses interview, observation, questionnaire for materials experts, questionnaire for media experts, students’ responses of questionnaire, and test script instruments.
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