Waode Eti Hardiyanti
Types of research
Penelitian Dosen Pemula
Source of funds
Literacy is a growing field that often refers to essential skills for every individual. One of these sets of skills is critical literacy, which often refers to the concept of cognitive process and practice skills of how literacy is applied. Literacy is a growing field that often refers to essential skills for every individual. One of these sets of skills is critical literacy, which often refers to the concept of cognitive process and practice skills of how literacy is applied. Pre-service teachers of Early Childhood Education (ECE) need to improve their critical thinking because they can assist children in developing their critical learning. It can also enrich the literacy practice in children's activities related to critical thinking. Some practices can be applied to pre-service teachers to build their critical literacy. Therefore, this research will further investigate this the literacy program in the content areas of ECE.
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