Writer / NIM
FARHAN MAKRUF / 151413092
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Drs DJOTIN MOKOGINTA, M.Pd / 0010055705
Advisor 2 / NIDN
GAMAR ABDULLAH, S.Si., M.Pd / 0025128202
ABSTRAK Makruf, Farhan. 2017. Penerapan Sistem Full Day School Ditinjau dari Perspektif Orang Tua/wali Siswa di SDN 2 Telaga Biru Kabupaten Gorontalo. Skripsi. Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar. Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Drs. Djotin Mokoginta, S.Pd, M.Pd dan Pembimbing II Gamar Abdullah, S.Si, M.Pd. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penerapan sistem full day school ditinjau dari perspektif orang tua/wali siswa di SDN 2 Telaga Biru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pandangan orang tua/wali siswa terhadap adanya penerapan sistem full day school di SDN 2 Telaga Biru. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan angket sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil pengolahan dan analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem full day school ditinjau dari perspektif orang tua/wali siswa di SDN 2 Telaga Biru Kabupaten Gorontalo, dapat dilihat dari empat indikator, yakni 1) Interaksi antara orang tua dengan siswa sejak adanya sistem full day school, mendapatkan hasil persentase 48,5% dan termasuk dalam kategori kurang, 2) Pandangan orang tua terhadap perubahan yang dialami siswa sejak adanya sistem full day school, mendapatkan hasil persentase 73% dan termasuk dalam kategori baik, 3) Peran dan perhatian orang tua terhadap siswa dengan adanya sistem full day school, mendapatkan hasil persentase 43,5% termasuk dalam kategori kurang, dan 4) Pandangan orang tua terhadap sikap siswa dalam menghadapi sistem full day school, mendapatkan hasil persentase 52,5% dan termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Hasil rata-rata persentase dari keempat indikator tersebut mencapai 54,5%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa, pandangan orang tua/wali siswa terhadap adanya penerapan sistem full day school termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Sistem full day school banyak memberikan manfaat kepada siswa maupun orang tua, meskipun masih terdapat beberapa kendala dan kekurangan, sehingga perlu pembiasaan dan penyesuaian yang lebih. Kata Kunci : Full Day School, Orang Tua/wali Siswa ABSTRACT Makruf, Farhan. 2017. Implementation of Full Day School System reviewed from Perspective of Parents/Guardians of Students in SDN 2 Telaga Biru, District of Gorontalo. Skripsi. Elementay School Teacher Education, Faculty of Education. State University of Gorontalo. Principal supervisor is Drs. Djotin Mokoginta, M.Pd and Co-supervisor Gamar Abdullah, S.Si, M.Pd. Problem statement of this research is how the implementation of full day school system reviewed from perspective parents/guardians of students in SDN 2 Telaga Biru is. It aims at describing how the perspective parents/guardians of students about the implementation of full day school system in SDN 2 Telaga Biru is. This is a descriptive research using questionnaire as technique of data collection. Data analysis and processing show that the implementation of full day school system reviewed from perspective parents/guardians of students in SDN 2 Telaga Biru can be observed from the following indicators: 1) percentage of interaction between parents and students since full day school is implemented is 48,5% in lack category; 2) percentage of parents' opinion to the change of students since full day school system is implemented is 73% is category; 3) role and attention of parents' toward students by this full day school system is 43,5% in lack category; 4) parents' point of view towards students' attitude facing full day school is 52,5% in sufficient category. The average percentage of the four indicators is 54,5%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the perspective of parents/guardians of students about the implementation of full day school system is in sufficient category. Full day school system gives many benefits for both students and parents, even though there are still several obstacles and lack in which it needs habituation and adjustment. Keywords : Full Day School, Parents/guardians Students
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