Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dra. MARTIANTY NALOLE, M.Pd. / 0005035908
Advisor 2 / NIDN
DR ASNI ILHAM, S.Pd, M.Si / 0007045908
Indriyani H. Zakaria. 2020 . Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Pada Materi Bangun Ruang di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Se-Kabupaten Gorontalo. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dra. Martianty Nalole, M.Pd dan Pembimbing II Dr. Asni Ilham, M.Si.
Masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi (1) Bagaimana kondisi awal perangkat pembelajaran pada materi bangun ruang di kelas V sekolah dasar se-kabupaten gorontalo? (2) Bagaimana pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis HOTS pada materi bangun ruang di kelas V sekolah dasar se-kabupaten gorontalo? penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsikan kondisi awal perangkat pembelajaran pada materi bangun ruang di kelas V sekolah dasar se-kabupaten gorontalo (2) untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis HOTS pada materi bangun ruang di kelas V sekolah dasar se-kabupaten gorontalo. Penelitian ini tergolong dalam jenis penelitian R&D (Research and Development). Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah salah satu sekolah yang berada di kabupaten gorontalo yaitu SDN 2 Talaga Jaya. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian yaitu wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara deskriptif.
Berdasarkan temuan awal kondisi objektif bahwa belum mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. Sehingga peneliti mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis HOTS berupa RPP, Bahan Ajar, LKPD dan Evaluasi. Namun sebelum peneliti mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran tersebut, langkah awal yang peneliti lakukan yaitu merancang pemetaan kombinasi dimensi pengetahuan dan proses cberpikir yang didalamnya memuat kata kerja operasional ranah kognitif yang terdiri dari LOTS (C1-C3) dan HOTS (C4-C6) serta dimensi pengetahuan (Faktual, Konseptual, Prosedural dan Metakognitif). Tahap penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan pengembangan oleh Sugiyono yang terdiri dari sepuluh tahap namun peneliti membatasi sampai pada lima tahap yaitu (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain. Perangkat pembelajaran berbasis HOTS yang telah dikembangkan kemudian divalidasi oleh tiga validator yakni ahli konten, ahli materi, dan ahli bahasa. Hasil rekapitulasi skor validasi dari tiga validator memperoleh skor keseluruhan 92,65. Sesuai hasil validasi dilakukan revisi yang menghasilkan produk yang masih dalam bentuk konseptual. Berdasarkan produk konseptual hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis HOTS pada materi bangun ruang di kelas V Sekolah Dasar Se-Kabupaten Gorontalo yang dikembangkan valid serta dapat dilanjutkan ketahap selanjutnya.
Indriyani H. Zakaria. 2020. Development of HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Based Learning Tool on Solid Figure Material in Class V of Elementary Schools in Gorontalo District. Skripsi. Departement of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo. The principal Supervisor is Dra. Martianty Nalole, M.Pd, and the Co-supervisor is Dr. Asni Ilham, M.Si.
This researchs problems include (1) What is the initial condition of the learning tool in the Solid Figure material in class V of elementary schools in Gorontalo district ? (2) How is the development of HOTS-based learning tool on the Solid Figure material in class V of elementary schools in Gorontalo District ? This research aims to; (1) describe the initial conditions of learning tool in the Solid Figure material in class V of elementary schools in Gorontalo District, (2) develop HOTS-based learning tool on the Solid Figure materials in class V of elementary schools in Gorontalo District. This is a Research and Development in which the subject is one of the schools in Gorontalo district, and it is SDN 2 Talaga Jaya. Data collection technique applies interviews, questionnaires, and documentation in which the data collected are analyzed descriptively.
Based on initial findings in objective conditions, research subject has not developed HOTS-based learning tool. So that researchers develop HOTS-based learning tool, including lesson plans, teaching materials, LKPD (Student Work Sheet), and evaluation. However, before the researcher develops the learning tool, the first step is to design mapping of a dimension combination of knowledge and thought processes which contain operational verbs in the cognitive domain consisting of LOTS (C1-C3) and HOTS (C4-C6) and the dimensions of knowledge (Factual, Conceptual, Procedural and Metacognitive). This research stage uses development design by Sugiyono, which consists of ten stages, but the researcher limits the samples to five stages, including (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, and (5) design revision. HOTS-based learning tool that has been developed is then validated by three validators, namely content experts, material experts, and linguists. The result of the recapitulation of the validation score of the three validators obtains an overall score of 92.65. In accordance with the validation result, the revision is done, which results in a product that is still in conceptual form. Based on the conceptual form, it is concluded that HOTS-based learning tool on the Solid Figure material in class V of Elementary Schools in Gorontalo District is valid and can be continued to the next stage.
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