Writer / NIM
YUSUF KHAIRUN / 321409019
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. HANISAH HANAFI, M.Pd. / 0021016504
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Yusuf Khairun, 2014. "Contrastive Analysis of Personal Pronouns in English and Tidore Language" (a research conducted at Gurabunga Village Tidore Sub District, Tidore City). Adviser I is Dr. Hj. Hanisah Hanafi M.Pd and Adviser II is Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim, S.Pd, M.Ed..
The objective of this research is to describe the similarities and differences of English and Tidore language personal pronouns. Qualitative method with ethnography approach was used in this study. The sources of the data of English personal pronouns are English dictionary, English grammar, English structure, journal or articles. Meanwhile, Tidore language personal pronouns are collected from oral literature, dictionary of Tidore language, Tidorean and video documentary. Observation, interview and documentation were used as technique of data collection. The data were analyzed through the following steps. (1) describing.(2) selecting. (3) contrasting.(4) predicting. It is concluded that there are similarities of third person singular between English and Tidore language. They are 'She' is similar to Mina, 'He' is similar to Una and third person plural 'They' is similar to Ona. They are used in all of situation in communication. The differences of personal pronouns between English and Tidore language is 'I'. Tidore language of first person singular male are varied, they are Ngare, Ngato, Fangato, Fangare, Ngot, Fangarengori. Female are Jaru, Fajaru, Fajato, Fajat, Fajarungori and neutral are Ngori, Ngoto. And also first person plural are varied, they are Ngone, Jongone, Ngom, Jongom, Fangom, Farangom. Meanwhile, second person singular 'You' Tidore language represented by Ngona, Ngan, Jou, Jou Lamo whereas second person plural 'You' Tidore language are Ngon, Jongon, Joungon. All personal pronouns in Tidore language are influenced by social factors.
Key words : Contrastive Analysis, English, Tidore, Personal Pronouns
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