Writer / NIM
HERMIN SULEMAN / 321409028
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr KARTIN LIHAWA, M.Pd / 0002085702
Advisor 2 / NIDN
HerminSuleman. NIM: 321409028. "Peer Tutor Learning Approach in English Teaching and Learning process". (A Research conducted in SMA N 1 Tilamuta Especially class XI IPA-1)". Skripsi. English Department. Letters and Culture Faculty. State University of Gorontalo. 2014.
The objectives of this research areto find out how peer tutor approach facilitates students in English teaching and learning process and to get brief description on the problem of the implementation of peer tutor approach in English teaching and learning process. The method used in this research is qualitative method. This study was conducted in the XI IPA-1 students of SMAN 1 Tilamuta that consists of 27 students and 1 teacher. The data in this research were collected from observation and interview. The findings of applying this technique are the students were able to help to each other, to work together, not to be afraid because of studying with classmates instead of teachers, were helped by the existence of this learning approach, not to be afraid to ask when there was material that had not been understood. In this peer tutors, teachers did not just sit after explaining the material but monitoring each group, teacher also felt happy because she did not only participate in the end of the lesson but also assisted students selected as tutors. After analyzing the data, it was found that the most students or 19 (70 0/0) of them agree and others 8 students (30 0/0) disagree with this learning approach and can be classified into good.
Key words : Peer tutor learning approach, teaching.
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