Writer / NIM
HIKMA ALAMRI / 321409055
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Doktor JOLANDA H D PILONGO, M.Pd / 0019045912
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Alamri, Hikma, 2015. " Increasing students vocabulary through the procedure text". Skripsi. Study program of English. Faculty of letter and culture. State University of Gorontalo. The principal supervisor was Dr. Jolanda H.D. Pilongo.M.PD and co- supervisor was Sri Rumiyatiningsih Luwiti S.Pd, M.Pd.
This research is aimed at finding out whether procedure text can increase students' vocabularies. The method used in this research is quasi experimental method, it uses one group of pre- test and post- test design. The population of research is the first grade of the students at SMP 9 SATAP T ibawa in academic year of 2014/ 2015. This research uses purposes sampling. In collecting the data, it used the test. The test was used to find out the increasing of students' vocabularies both in pre- test and post- test. It was analized quantitatively based on the indicators of vocabularies; they were verb, noun and adjective. The researcher used the normality data and hypothesis verification. The hypothesis of this research is procedure text can increase students' vocabularies. The criteria of hypothesis that is used in verifying the hypothesis is H0 is accepted if tcount â tlist and H1 will be accepted if tcount â tlist with the level significance is = 0, 02. It is verified that tcount = 9, 57 and tlist is 2, 11. It indicates that the hypothesis if this research is accepteble. Therefore, based on the result of this research, it can be concuded that there is a significant increasing. So, the result of this research that procedure text can increase the students' vocabularies.
Keywords : Procedure Text, Vocabularies, Teaching procedure text.
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