Writer / NIM
RIZAL IBRAHIM / 321409110
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. MOON HIDAYATI OTOLUWA, M.Hum / 0002095910
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Ibrahim, Rizal. 2013. Motivation of English Department students to choose teaching as a career
This study was conducted to investigate the motivations of English Department students for choosing teaching as a career and to examine factors that make they are not interested to be an English teacher. In this research, a qualitative method was applied. The participants were the students of English Departmentin academic year 2009/2010. The researcher took 40 students as the participants of this research.The data were collected through interview. The results showed that one student could have more than one motivation. From the data,intrinsic career value was the highly rated motivation factors. There were 45% students that have this motivation. It means that most of the participants wanted to be an English teacher because they love teaching and be a teacher were their expectation. This is a good motivation that will influence them to give their best in their job as an English teacher. Ability, work with children, prior teaching and learning experience and also salary were motivation that had by 10% students of English department. 7.5% students chosen to be a teacher because job security and also their educational background. 5% students interested to choose teaching as their career because of social status, social influence and fallback career. And the last was time for family; the result showed that no students had this motivation. From all the participants, there were 30% students that were not interested in teaching activity. They were not interested because teaching is a busy job, they did not have a good ability in teaching and they did not have an intrinsic career value.
Keyword:Motivation, teaching, English Department.
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