Writer / NIM
TRY ARISKA HALA / 321409128
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr KARTIN LIHAWA, M.Pd / 0002085702
Advisor 2 / NIDN
- YUSNA BANTULU, S.Pd., M.A / 0004117804
The focus of this research is improving the students' vocabulary by using
rhythm of song technique which is limited in noun, verb, and adjective. The method of
research is quantitative and it has 3 designs of research those are Pre-test, treatment and
post-test. The population the students of X Hotel Department in SMK 2 Gorontalo and
the sample is 31 students of X Hotel 1. It uses multiple choice to get the dta and t-test to
analyze them. The result showed that the mean score of students in pre-test is 7,08 and
students' standard derivation is 85,3. Meanwhile the mean score of students in post-test
is 9,75 and students' standard derivation is 122,0.The normality of the data is 472,54
and its higher than t-List
9,488. By applying the rhythm of song technique, the students'
vocabulary is improved defended before apply this technique. The hypothesis
verification showed that t-count > t-table, where the value was (7,67> 2,04) and it
means the applying rhythm of song technique is received. Finally, It hopes that this
technique can be applied by the teacher in teaching English in school to improve
students' vocabulary.
Key words : Vocabulary, Rhythm of song technique
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