Writer / NIM
RISKA MANGOPA / 321413042
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. HANISAH HANAFI, M.Pd. / 0021016504
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Dr. ABID, S.S, MA TESOL / 0019068302
Riska Mangopa. 321 413 042. 2020. "Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners in an EFL Setting: Lessons Learnt from Indonesian English Primary School Teachers Skripsi. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. Hj. Hanisah Hanafi, M.Pd. Advisor (2) Dr. Abid, M.A.TESOL.
This research aimed to find out what kinds of teaching strategies do the teachers report to adopt when teaching English vocabulary towards primary school students in English as a foreign language context. In examining this research, the qualitative method was used. After taking an English teacher in one primary school in Gorontalo as the participant of the research, it found that in teaching vocabulary to young learners the teacher used the stategies depending on the needs of the students and the appropriateness with the material. Those strategies were first Realia, the students were easier to remember the vocabularies since their visual experience hugely contribute in creating a long term memory. Second mime, the teacher would pretend doing something to describe the action vocabulary, and the last strategy was enumeration, in enumeration the students were asked to listed some vocabularies based on the keyword given by the teacher, this strategy made the students able to critical in thinking what were the vocabularies they knew related to the keywords.
Keywords: Teacherâs Strategies, Vocabulary.
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