Writer / NIM
JUITA ANGGOL / 321413116
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dra ELSJE L SAMBOUW, M.Hum / 0005046010
Advisor 2 / NIDN
This research was formulated to investigate about the difficulties in learning listening in SMKN 1 Gorontalo. According to Hwaider, S (2017, p.142) problems in Listening Comprehension are the learner, the speaker, and the teaching and learning environment. The method done in this research was qualitative method, this method used to examine the students of SMKN 1 Gorontalo in the difficulties in listening. The result showed the factors affecting the students' difficulty in learning listening was because the listeners, the speakers and the teaching and learning environment. For the source difficulty by the listener, the students faced two basic difficulties those were the lack of ability of the students in differentiate the accent of the speaker and the lack ability of the students in mastering vocabulary. In the source difficulty by the speaker, the researcher got that factors affecting the students difficulty came from the quality of the recorder material, the speaker speech rate and the speaker's pronunciation. Lastly the researcher also found the teaching and learning environment affected the listening comprehension where too large classroom management was not useful for listening and face to face learning listening process was better.
Keywords: Students' Difficulties, Listening.
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