Writer / NIM
ABDUL RAHMAN UNO / 321413125
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Advisor 2 / NIDN
HELENA BADU, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0027048401
Abdul Rahman Uno, 2020. The Teenager perspective on The Playing Mobile Legends Game In English Vocabulary Mastery. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, State University of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Sri Rumiatiningsih Luwiti, S.Pd, M.Pd (2) Helena Badu, Spd, M.Pd
The aim of this study is to find out the teenager perspective on the playing Mobile Legends game in English vocabulary mastery. The participants of this study were 5 teenagers in the 16-18 years old with the game level 20 and above. The method of this research is qualitative method that used interview as the research instrument. In collecting the data, the researcher used the question of interview which consists of 6 items that related to asking about the participants perspective. The result of this study showed that the teenager who plays the game acquired more vocabulary, since while playing the game Mobile Legend, they also enable to understand the vocabulary that used in games, which had an effect on their vocabulary mastery. In addition, some of the participants were agree if mobile legends used as the media of English learning in terms of mastering vocabulary. Therefore, playing mobile legends game for some teenager were the interesting things since they could learn more English vocabulary in a fun way, while playing the game.
Key words: Perspective, Teenager, Vocabulary mastery
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