Writer / NIM
RAHMAT M. PANDI / 321416037
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
NOVRIYANTO NAPU, SPd, MAppLing, PhD / 0021118303
Advisor 2 / NIDN
FAHRIA MALABAR, S.Pd, M.A / 0005068601
The linguistic landscape is intended as a symbol marker for the construction of public space, this refers to linguistic objects that mark the public space itself. The concept of LL is expressed by Gorter (2006) as one way that can be used to explain the linguistic situation in a particular country, as well as to describe the existence of a particular language in a larger geographic location. Further, the development of the study of the linguistic landscape continues to grow with various research perspectives, especially from a multilingual perspective, this is in line with the growing variety and use of the linguistic landscape in a region. This research aims to describe how the spread of the linguistic landscape in the Gorontalo area. In specific to discover the distribution of languages, characteristics, and functions of the linguistic landscape spread across the region. The researcher applies the theory from Gorter (2006) as the basic theory of analyzing the data, by applying a mixed-method combination of descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches. This research found that the use of language that dominates the spread of the linguistic landscape in the Gorontalo area is the official language of Indonesia, followed by English in the second-highest position and the local language of Gorontalo being the least applied language. It was also found that the linguistic landscape category was dominated by the Bottom-up sign rather than the Top-down sign. In addition, there are three functions of the languages used in the Gorontalo linguistic landscape found; (language as the marker of language revitalization, language as the marker of globalization, and language as an identity marker). The outcome of this study is expected to provide additional new knowledge about multilingualism in the linguistic landscape for readers and new information to related parties regarding the map of the spread of the linguistic landscape in the Gorontalo area.
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