Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. MAGDALENA BAGA, SS, M.Si / 0018036707
Advisor 2 / NIDN
RUSNI PODUNGGE, S.Pd, M.A / 0017127603
Mohamad Ariyanto Adjulaini. 321418004. 2022. Myths of American and Indonesian Mining : A Comparative Analysis Between How Much of These Hills is Gold Novel and Oral Literature By People In Suwawa Mining Area. An Undergraduate Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1): Dr. Magdalena Baga, S.S., M.Si. Advisor (2): Rusni Podungge, S.Pd., M.A
This research aims to find the constractive of myths in the oral stories of Suwawa region and the myths in How Much of These Hills is Gold Novel about gold mining. This research uses comparative literature approach and theory by Danandja and Barthes to analyse the data. The data is taken from How Much of These Hills is Gold Novel and the oral literature by people in Suwawa mining area. Thus, the result of this research shows that the myths from Indonesian is more supercitions than America myths. The myths in American mostly related with something that logically such as Dog as a pointer to an object and make a greetings when to start mining in that area while in Indonesian mining of Suwawa, the myths in there is stronger which related with something that unlogically such as bird as a sign to the point location of gold places and the soul of Rooster and Hen as a protector of miners in mining area. However both states are shows about the presence of myths in each mining area are still exist until now because they can not escape from the existences that already exist.
Keywords: How Much of These Hills is Gold, Myths, Oral Literature
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