Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr WENY JA MUSA, M.Si / 0022086611
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Dr. LUKMAN A R LALIYO, M.Pd., MM / 0024116903
ABSTRAK Harianti Bintaria 2014 pengaruh strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan kemampuan berfikir kombinasi visual-spasial terhadap penguasaan konsep laju reaksi siswa SMA Negeri 2 Limboto.Skripsi program studi pendidikan kimia fakultas matematika dan Ipa Universitas Negri Gorontalo. Pembimbing 1 Dr. Wenny J. A. Musa M.Si dan pembimbing 2 Dr. Lukman A.R. Laliyo M.Pd M.M Penelitian ini secara umum bermaksud mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh variabel-variabel bebas, yaitu strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan kemampuan berfikir kombinasi visual-spasial terhadap penguasaan konsep laju reaksi siswa SMA Negri 2 Limboto.Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, menggunakan rancangan faktorial 2x2.Variabel bebas adalah strategi berbasis masalah yang terdiri dari strategi problem solving dan inquiri, dan kecerdasan visual-spasial dan variabel kontrolnya penguasaan konsep laju reaksi. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa tes essay. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis variasi (ANAVA) dua arah (2x2) untuk uji hipotesis dan uji Tuckey untuk melihat perbandingan antar kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penguasaan konsep laju reaksi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berfikir kombinasi visual-spasial tinggi mau pun rendah yang diajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah problem solving lebih unggul di bandingkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah inquiri. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah problem solving bagus digunakan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep laju reaksi siswa di SMA Negri 2 Limboto. Kata kunci : Strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah, kemampuan berfikir visual-spasial, laju reaksi ABSTRACT Harianti bintaria. 2014. " the influence of problem-based learning strategy and the ability of visually-spatially thinking toward the mastering of reaction rate at class XI of natural sciences of SMA Negeri 2 Limboto." Skripsi, department of chemist education. It was supervised by Drs. Weny J.A Musa, M.Si and Dr. Lukman A.R Laliyo, M.Pd, M.M. Keywords :Problem-Based Learning Strategy, Visually-Spatially Thinking Ability, Reaction Rate. The research applied quantitative method by having 2 2 factorial design. The population of research was students at class XI of SMA Negeri 2 Limboto in 2013/2014 academic years amounted to 143 students. Sample of research were 110 student from 4 classes. Then, the samples were decided into 2 group which contained of 2 classes for each group for inquiry and problem solving strategy. To statistical test, the group was decided into 2 sub-groups based on the level of visually-spasially ability thinking. The hypothesis test was using 2-way ANAVA testand continued with Tuckey test to see the difference in the interaction. The hypothesis test result showed that there was an influeces of problem-based learning strategy and the ability of visually-spatially thinking toward the reaction rate. The students' mastering of reaction rate concept which was taught by using problem-based learning strategy, whether for student who had the high ability of visually-spasially thinking or students who had low ability of visually-spatially thinking. The result of tuckey test showed the value of q0> q which proved that the problem-based learning strategy and ability of visually-spatially ability thinking influenced the mastering of reaction rate of students in SMA Negeri 2 Limboto.
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