Writer / NIM
DWIANTO / 511413037
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
FADLY ACHMAD, S.T., M.Eng / 0021117702
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Dr. Eng. RIFADLI BAHSUAN, ST, MT / 0003047410
INTISARI Pondasi merupakan kompoen penting dalam struktur bangunan. Pondasi harus mampu menahan beban aksial dan beban lateral yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai besaran penurunan akibat beban aksial dan defleksi tiang akibat beban lateral. Analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini ialah analisis besaran penurunan akibat beban aksial dan defleksi tiang akibat beban lateral. Analisis ini menggunakan formulasi yang diperoleh dari pengujian laboratorium dan pengujian lapangan pada lokasi proyek konstruksi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa besaran kapasitas dukung ijin tiang bor dalam menahan beban aksial ialah sebesar 1,025.15 kN. Berdasarkan kapasitas dukung ijin tiang tersebut, penurunan tiang maksimum yang terjadi ialah sebesar 3.04 mm. Hasil analisis metode Poulos and Davis jika menggunakan variasi pembebanan loading test menunjukkan penurunan pondasi dengan beban rencana 850 kN ialah sebesar 2.5 mm dan analisis plaxis sebesar 1.92 mm, serta pengujian lapangan (insitu test) ialah sebesar 2.03 mm. Hasil analisis besaran tekanan lateral ijin tiang terhadap beban lateral ialah sebesar 114.99 kN dengan defleksi maksimum tiang sebesar 3.14 mm. Hasil analisis defleksi tiang menggunakan variasi pembebanan uji lapangan ialah sebesar 5.49 mm dengan beban rencana 50 kN, dan pada pengujian lapangan sebesar 1.4 mm. Prosentase perbedaan nilai penurunan dan defleksi tiang antar hasil analisis dan pengujian lapangan jika dirata-ratakan ialah sebesar 16.89% dan 77%. Kata Kunci : Bored pile, Defleksi pondasi bored pile. Penurunan pondasi bored pile, ABSTRACT Foundation is an important component of building structures. The foundation must be able to withstand axial loads and lateral load that occur. The study aimed to determine the value of the settlement due to axial load and horizontal deflection of the pile due to lateral load. Analysis conducted in this research was the analysis of the amount of settlement due to axial load and horizontal deflection of pile due to lateral load. The analysis used formulations obtained from laboratory testing and insitu testing on the contruction projections. The analysis results showed that the magnitude of the bearing capacity of the drill pile in holding the axial load is 1,025.15 kN. Based on the carrying capacity of the pile, the maximum pile settlement was 3.04 mm. The result of Poulos and Davis method analysis when using loading test variation showed the reduction of foundation with 850 kN designed load was 2.5 mm, and Plaxis analysis was 1.92 mm, and insitu test was 2.03 mm. The result of the maximum lateral pressure analysis of the pile was 3.14 mm. The result of pile horizontal deflection analysis using variety of the field test loading was equal to 5.49 mm with 50 kN designed load, and on-field test was 1.4 mm. The average diffrences in value for settlement and horizontal deflection were 16.89% and 77% respectively. Keywords: Bored pile, Bored pile foundation deflection, Settlement of bored pile foundation
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