Writer / NIM
FANDRI KARIM / 531408029
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
TAJUDDIN ABDILLAH, S.Kom., M.Cs / 0008127805
Advisor 2 / NIDN
ROVIANA H DAI, S.Kom, MT / 0030018301
Geographically located between Gorontalo Regency 12305'00 "LU and 0053'00" BT. Gorontalo district has a wealth of natural resources are abundant. One of these natural resources is forest and mineral resources. Utilization of Gorontalo district protected forest areas that have been exploited to result in a decline in the quality of protected forest. This background by the rogue elements who do not know gorontalo information protected forest districts. Seeing the problem above, it takes an application-based geographic information system (GIS) that can present information protected forest. using the R and D, where the study methods are used to produce a particular product and test the effectiveness of the product. Based on calculations spatial dioverlaykan with the administrative boundaries of protected forest areas spread over 10 districts of the 17 districts in Gorontalo Regency. Administrative region that has the largest protected forest area is the Blue Lake District of the forest area is protected forests of Mount Damar. Protected forest Mount Damar has significance because it is upstream Bolango which empties into the Gulf of Tomini and upstream watershed that empties into Lake Limboto Limboto.
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