Writer / NIM
ABDUL GANI OLII / 531409072
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
AGUS LAHINTA, ST., M.Kom. / 0017087402
Advisor 2 / NIDN
TAJUDDIN ABDILLAH, S.Kom., M.Cs / 0008127805
In deciding the students who will be participated in LKS activity at SMK Negeri 3 Gorontalo, the school uses the students who have the highest academic report score as the reference. This actually is not effective because in the students academic report they have general subjects (Normative and Adaptive) and vocational subject (Productive), while what will be tested in LKS activity is the vocational subjects. So that, if the school only use the highest academic report score, it can cause the student who will be in the top rank only students who get the high score in general subject, not in vocational subject. If the students will be chosen to participate in LKS activity probably the chosen student will be defeated. Based on the situation, it is necessary the further processing to the students' score by giving the calculation integrity based on the level of each importance. The research aimed to implement profile matching method in choosing the proper the students who will be participated in LKS activity from each vocation. The method of research was Research and Development. The result of this research was the students' rank list form each vocation and the final score of the subjects had been processed by using profile matching that expected to be a reference in making a decision (each of head of the department) in deciding the student who will be the participant of LKS activity.
Keywords: Decision Support System, Profile Matching
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