Writer / NIM
HERI SUSANTO / 551414012
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Advisor 2 / NIDN
BERNI IDJI, S.T., M.Sc. / 0010106803
INTISARI Heri Susanto 2019, Sirkuit Balap di Gorontalo (Arsitektur High Tech), Skripsi Program Studi S1, Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Kalih Trumansyahjaya, S.T., M.T dan Pembimbing II Berni Idji, S.T., M.Sc Sirkuit balap di Gorontalo merupakan sebuah wadah buat penggemar otomotif khususnya penikmat balap untuk menyalurkan bakat-bakat balap remaja yang hobi balapan sehingga dapat tersalurkan ke arah yang lebih baik. Perancangan sirkuit balap di Gorontalo dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya event balap nasional maupun regional, tingginya antusias masyarakat untuk menonton secara langsung, banyaknya pembalap-pembalap lokal yang ikut serta, serta seringnya terjadi balap liar di jalanan umum yang dapat membahayakan pengguna jalan lain. Perancangan Sirkuit Balap berlokasi di Jl. Kasmat Lahay, Kel. Tonggulo, Kec. Limboto Barat, Kab. Gorontalo, Prov. Gorontalo. Tugas akhir Sirkuit Balap di Gorontalo ini menggunakan tema Arsitektur High Tech dimana bangunan-bangunan dalam sirkuit akan menerapkan teknologi-teknologi terbaru serta tampilan bangunan dibuat dengan memunculkan kesan sporty. Perancangan sirkuit ini menggunakan aturan-aturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh FIM (Federation Internationale de Motocylisme) dan FIA (Federation Internationale delAutomobile) yang merupakan induk dari federasi balap motor dan mobil dunia. Proses tahapan desain dimulai dengan pengumpulan data, yaitu studi literatur berupa pengumpulan informasi mengenai aturan-aturan perancangan sirkuit, penerapan tema kehasil desain, serta studi banding yang kemudian di observasi untuk menetukan lokasi perencanaan yang sesuai. Kemudian pada tahap analisa dimulai dengan analisa kegiatan seperti, jenis kegiatan, sifat kegiatan, syarat kegiatan, serta pelaku kegiatan. Analisa berikutnya yaitu analisa tapak atau lokasi perencanaan yang mencakup analisa pencapaian, sirkulasi, orientasi, view, kebisingan, pola ruang luar, dan penzoningan. Analisa terakhir meliputi analisa massa bangunan, sirkulasi bangunan, bentuk bangunan, struktur bangunan, dan utilitas bangunan. Kesemua proses kemudian diterapkan kedalam desain gambar 2D, 3D, animasi, dan maket. Kata Kunci : Sirkuit Balap di Gorontalo (Arsitektur High Tech) ABSTRACT Susanto, Heri. 2019. A Racing Circuit in Gorontalo (High Tech Architecture). Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Architecture. Faculty of Engineering. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Supervisor: Kalih Trumansyahjaya, S.T., M.T. Co-supervisor: Berni Idji, S.T., M.Sc. The racing circuit in Gorontalo is a place for automotive enthusiasts, especially teenagers, to express their talents to racing in a positive way. The design of racing circuits in Gorontalo is motivated by the many national and regional racing events, the high enthusiasm of the public to watch live, a large number of local racers participating, and the frequent occurrence of illegal racing on public roads that can endanger other road users. The design of racing circuits is located in Jl. Kasmat Lahay, Tonggulo, Limboto Barat, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo. The final project of the Racing Circuit in Gorontalo uses the theme of High Tech Architecture, where the buildings in the circuit will apply the latest technologies and create a sporty impression. The design of this circuit uses the rules set by FIM (Federation Internationale de Motocylisme) and FIA (Federation Internationale del'Automobile), which is the governing body of the motor racing and car federations of the world. The design stage process begins with data collection consisting of a literature study in the form of gathering information about the rules of circuit design, applying the theme to the design results, and a comparative study which is then observed to determine the appropriate planning location. The next stage is the analysis stage that starts with the analysis of activities such as types of activities, nature of activities, terms of activities, as well as activity actors. The next analysis is site analysis or location planning, which includes analysis of achievements, circulation, orientation, views, noise, outdoor space patterns, and zoning. The final analysis includes analysis of building mass, building circulation, building shape, building structure, and building utility. All processes are then applied into 2D, 3D, animation, and mockup designs. Keywords: Racing Circuit in Gorontalo (High Tech Architecture)
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