Writer / NIM
JOKO SUTRISNO / 562413021
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
MUHAMMAD YASSER ARAFAT, S.Pd., M.Pd / 0027078401
Advisor 2 / NIDN
STELLA JUNUS, ST. MT / 0013018301
Joko Sutrisno, 2020. The Influence of 4 Stroke Motorcycle Engine Mechanism Learning Media towards Students Learning Outcomes. Study Program of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Gorontalo. The Principal Supervisor is Muh. Yasser Arafat, S.Pd, M.Pd, and the Co-supervisor is Ir. Stella Junus, ST., MT.
The research aimed to find out to what extent the influence of the use of 4 stroke motorcycle engine mechanism learning media towards students learning outcomes. The research method employed library research. The procedures of this research were selecting the topic, exploring the information, determining the focus of research, preparing reports, preparing data display, and collecting data sources. The numbers of journals used as a source of literature study were 21 journals. By conducting literature studies on 21 journals and having gone through several stages such as data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing/verification, and data validation (findings), it was found that the use of engine mechanism learning media (trainer) had a significant influence in improving students learning outcomes. The implementation of engine (trainer) mechanism learning media could improve students learning outcomes from 68,81% increased to 88,93% with the amount of improvement of 20,12%. In addition, the engine (trainer) mechanism learning media engage students to be more active in teaching and learning activities because students could see and even hold directly the tools used. In brief, there was a positive influence in the implementation of 4 stroke motorcycle engine mechanism learning media towards learning outcomes at mechanical engine subject.
Keywords: Mechanical Engine Learning Media, Library Research
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