Writer / NIM
MUHLIS HUSAIN / 613412063
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. NURMI, SP.MP / 0010047111
Advisor 2 / NIDN
YUNNITA RAHIM, S.P, M.Si / 0025067906
ABSTRACT Muhlis Husain, Student ID. 6134 12 063. The Influence of Cow's Urine Administration on the Growth and Production of Two Varieties of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L). Principal Supervisor is Nurmi and Co-supervisor is Yunnita Rahim. This research was aimed at finding out influence of growth and production of peanut in administration of cow's urine as fertilizer and the usage of different variety of peanuts. This research was conducted at Hulawa Village of Telaga Sub-district, District of Gorontalo, Province of Gorontalo from April to June 2016. This study used randomized group design with two factors, in which the first factor was fermented cow urine fertilizer (P) that consisted of four level of P0 = control, P1 = 3000 1/ha, P2=6000 1/ha and P3=9000 1/ha and the second factor was the variety of peanut (V) that consisted of two types of peanut, V1= Jerapah variety and V2=Bima Variety. Thus, there were 8 combinations of treatment and each treatment are repeated there times, hence, there were 24 sites of treatment. The advance test used the honest significant difference test in the level of 5%. The research showed that the administration of fertilized cow urine influenced the number of leaves and did not influence the production of peanut. The 3000 1/ha treatment gave the best result than other dosage treatments. The variety of the peanut species used significantly influenced the height of the plants and the number of leaves, but it did not have significant influence on the production of peanut. The Jerapah variety gave the better yield compared to the Bima variety. There were no interaction between administration of cow urine fertilizer and the usage of peanut variety. Keywords: Cow Urine Fertilizer,Variety of Peanut. ABSTRAK Muhlis Husain. NIM. 6134 12 063: Pengaruh Pemberian Urin Sapi Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi dua Varietas Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.). Di bawah bimbingan Nurmi selaku pembimbing I dan Yunnita Rahim selaku pembimbing II. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang tanah pada pemberian pupuk urin sapi dan penggunaan varietas yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan di desa Hulawa Kecamatan Telaga Kabupaten Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo, pada bulan April sampai Juni 2016. penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) Faktorial 2 faktor dimana faktor pertama adalah pupuk urin sapi yang difermentasi (P) terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu P0= kontrol, P1 = 3.000 l/ha, P2 = 6.000 l/ha, P3 = 9.000 l/ha dan faktor kedua adalah varietas kacang tanah (V) terediri dari 2 taraf yaitu V1= varietas Jerapah dan V2= varietas Bima, sehingga terdapat 8 kombinasi perlakuan dan di ulang 3 kali maka di dapat 24 unit percobaan. Uji lanjut menggunakan beda nyata jujur BNJ taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk urin sapi berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun dan tidak berpengaruh pada produksi kacang tanah. Perlakuan dengan dosis 3000 l/ha memberikan nilai terbaik dari perlakuan dosis lainnya. Penggunaan varietas kacang tanah memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun dan tidak berpengaru nyata terhadap produksi kacang tanah. Varietas jerapah memberikan nilai lebih baik di bandingkan varietas bima. Tidak terjadi interaksi antara pemberian pupuk urin sapi dan penggunaan varietas kacang tanah. Kata Kunci: Pupuk Urin sapi, Varietas dan Kacang Tanah.
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